Repair German Schauenburg Desander

There is certainly a single story from GN,that why CPP, 1 of the most significant HDD contract finally decide on GN Solids Control, without having any connection ahead of which ought to be the essence of Chinese business enterprise.

Yes, we sieze a possibility to prove ourselves, go back to old days, CPP choose US products, and acquire from our competitor, no offence, however they will not be so satisfied with such oversea following sales, and also time distinction and so on, particularly comparing with the expection immediately after higher price been paid.
So when their unit have problem, they want some one particular to deal with it, GN Solids Manage helped with that. Proved our professionality, and get another opportunity that they may try our method.

Here comes yet another, a single significant player in TBM, before purchased Schauenburg desander to recycle the water. And now have problems with Desander, then right here we go.

1 with the for sale unit from Boramtech:

Feed price: 300 m3/h
Bulk feed price: 80 t/h

Pump: two x 6″
Installed capacity:
Pump engine: two x 37 kW
Vib. screen engine: four kW

When you are also searching for a different selection, freely to get in touch with us.

Gas-Flow Meter Measurement Program:
GN Solids America LLC Delivered Stocked Equipment to Consumer:


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